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Experiencing deeper fellowship with God and each other

within the context of authentic worship

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Niwa (庭) is the Japanese word for garden, and our objective is growth in the Japanese church. In I Cor. 3, Paul calls the church “God’s field,” and this ‘watering’ ministry is focused on strengthening the relational foundation of the church in Japan by deepening our understanding of what it means to be true worshipers. While our platform is the worship arts and we do intend to connect and equip creative Christ followers throughout Japan, this ministry is not just for artistic people, so we invite and encourage anyone to come be a part regardless of whether they feel they have creative ability or not because are all called to be worshipers. Our purpose is simply to teach and encourage on the heart of true worship within an atmosphere of authentic fellowship rooted in God’s presence, truth and love.


Japan is the second largest unreached nation in the world and less than one percent of the population are believers in Christ. Our mission is not just to add numbers to the church (there are many organizations and ministries already focused on this task), as we don't believe this is the main issue. Rather, we want to focus on growth in individual hearts and within congregations (Equipping of the saints) so that these local groups of believers are healthy in their spiritual lives, building one another up in love, and bearing fruit. We believe that when the church is healthy and strong, the numbers will be added, This is a complex issue in Japan, partially due to cultural and social norms that cause Christians to struggle in their walks and have affected how churches operate. While we seek to encourage this growth through the worship arts, we also want to simply be available in people's lives, creating opportunities for believers to fellowship together and encourage one another, pray together, discuss and study scripture and simply be the body of Christ to the world around us. This vision comes from Acts 2:42-47, where souls were added to the church because it was healthy and vibrant.



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